Thursday, July 16, 2009

How to Order an HSD Surfboard

I just wanted to real quick explain the steps in ordering a custom board from us.

1. Decide on a board model you would like to ride and consider the dimensions and rail shape you like.

2. Email or call us to set up a consultation with JP. It can be done by phone or you can bring in the board you are currently riding. JP will ask questions about what you like/don't like, why you want to try the model you chose, how you'd like to improve your surfing, and if you are here he'll make you skate down the street to see how you use your legs and body to turn. This is 10-30 minutes. Together you will decide on final model, materials, and dimensions.

3. Place order and put down deposit. Cash or check is best, credit card is ok, too.

4. If you want, JP will have you come by when he hand-shapes your board. He lets you come in the room so he can explain what he is doing and how it will translate into your surfing. JP wants to improve your surfing experience and for you to begin to understand design and performance. Lots of shapers don't do this but we think its WHY you order custom boards. This is about 2 hours.

5. When your board is done, we call you. It usually takes 2 weeks from this point but we will give you an ETA. You finish paying and its yours, only thing left is to go surfing.

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