Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Birthday to Us!

HSD is celebrating their 5 year anniversary and hosted a raging party in downtown San Diego to celebrate. We invited out loyal customers, without whom we could not do what we do, and offered everyone in attendance a coveted Golden Ticket! We raffled off a beautiful triple stringer gun, perfect for gracing huge walls, of water or your home. Jimmy Greer of Surfrider took home the board, giving back to the community sure can pay off. We had fabulous prize packages thanks to our friends at OSIRIS, SRH, and HSD! My brother was the big winner of the evening, next time, get him to buy your wingspan.

Thanks to everyone for coming out and supporting local shapers and brands like HSD! A big thanks to Marion Covic for the fabulous photos and Chris and Greg from Bar 923 for hooking up the spot and free beer from Firehouse Brewing!!

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